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About us

Jan Melvil Publishing

Jan Melvil is an European publishing company founded in Brno, Czech Republic by two experienced industry professionals Tomas Baranek and Vit Sebor.

Since 2007, we have published more than 120+ books. We specialize in evidence-based non-fiction literature written by some of the world’s greatest experts, such as Daniel Kahneman, Hans Rosling, Matthew Walker, David Sinclair, Bessel van der Kolk, Bill Gates, Jen Gunter, Jared Diamond, Nadav Ejal, Robert Cialdini, Martin Seligman and Philip Tetlock. We also publish bestselling self-help books by top authors like Angela Duckworth, David Allen, James Clear, Tim Ferriss, Cal Newport, Steven Pressfield, Daniel Pink, Simon Sinek and Austin Kleon, as well as selected books on healthy lifestyles.

Most of our publications are translations from English to Czech, but we have also produced one major title in English. Robert Vlach’s book about freelancing became an instant national bestseller and our most successful title since 2016, so in the summer of 2019 we published his book in English and it is now being sold around the world as The Freelance Way. If you are interested in purchasing translation or publication rights, we represent the author worldwide and you can send an email to to get all the permissions and support you need.

Jan Melvil Books

Company details

Jan Melvil Publishing, s.r.o.
Roubalova 383/13
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
European Union

VAT ID:  CZ27688496

IBAN:  CZ49 5500 0000 0073 2360 7001
Account number:  7323607001

Permissions, translation rights and related inquiries:

Scott Hudson / / +420 775 978 650


Vit Sebor /
Tomas Baranek /

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